#10 Unique skill set: (professional juggler turned motivational speaker.)
#9 Great listener and quick study. (asks the right questions, quickly sizes up audience, finds the keys to motivate them.)
#8 Calm, confident, and easy to work with (arrives early, sets a fast pace, engages everyone from beginning to end ensuring a good time for a good cause.)
#7 Gets people to laugh and participate without feeling pressured.
#6 Each program (and price) totally customized to your specific event and budget.
#5 Works his tail off to prepare (extensive conversations with organizers/co-chairs to establish appropriate opening and minimum bids... decide what and how many items belonged in the live versus silent auction...etc.)
#4 Learns past history of live bidding and uses to weave current offerings into strategic running order.
#3 Identifies in advance offerings that can be auctioned in multiples (resulting in doubled, tripled, and at times, quadrupled winning bids.)
#2 Uses visual humor, quick wit, and zany improvisations to sustain exciting levels of spontaneity and unpredictability to the live bidding.
#1 Yields no ground on any item! (Works his magic to motivate a spirited competition, even when at first there appears to be none.)
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Call or email today to discuss how Rob can create a customized program for your upcoming event
Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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