"Phenomenal! People are still talking about your terrific balance of entertainment and meaningful content… Your references to “behind the scenes” connections made everyone feel you really understood our issues and challenges… Add to this all the little extras you did- from listening to our lunch speakers and integrating some of their comments into your presentation to showing up the next morning to energize our group with an Irish jig!”
(Click here for full letter.)
Thomas Venditti, State Director, Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA)
717 920 6660, tvenditti@pct.edu
"Your highly interactive program on flexible thinking and stress reduction brought a truly inspiring message to over 500 managers at our annual management conference...Excellent evaluation had comments like: "First he got people to open up with all the inside jokes. Then, when he told us his personal story, it struck a very deep chord with people's emotions"..."His blend of humor and message was captivating and compelling."..."In my 34 years with the Department, Rob is the only outside guest speaker who ever received a standing ovation."
(Click here for full letter.)
Otto Solarzano, C.F.O. Los Angeles Department of Social Services
213-738-2617, osolorzano@css.co.la.ca.us
"A miracle occurred! You are such a powerful motivator, so incredibly gifted with words and timely humor that you loosened up a whole room of high level executives… Your well chosen stories and audience participation skits really helped us reframe the challenge of coping with constant change and seeing it as an opportunity to develop resilience and resourcefulness...”
(Click here for full letter.)
Anne Nickerson, Special Events, CIGNA
(860) 849-1618, anne@callcentercoach.com
“Your uplifting presentation of “KEEPING ALL THE BALLS IN THE AIR” was definitely a fresh approach to stress management that helped us understand and utilize strategies to cope with change... Your thought provoking mix of comedy and content helped participants de-stress and walk away with relevant business insights... From the first phone call to the standing ovation, your professionalism, wisdom and sense of humor made for an enjoyable business rapport.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Jeanne Moore, Executive Director, National Trust Real Estate Association, Inc.
704-845-1002 jmoore@ntrea.org
"You gave an inspired presentation at our annual Kick-off meeting. … You took the time to speak with us about our business goals, and what messages we wanted to get across. You customized your presentation to our needs, and personalized it wonderfully… learning the names of key players and weaving them into your act seemlessly… Thank you again for the time and effort you put in up front, and the way in which you educated and energized our company.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Dan Silver, President,Panasonic Home & Health Company
201 348-5384, silverd@us.panasonic.com
“Rob Peck paints phenomenal word pictures, combining fluid juggling with a startling facility for language. I found myself taking notes throughout to remember the many helpful acronyms and thought provoking quotes... His outstanding humor, humanity and warmth helped us expand our ideas about how people learn. Our employees left united in knowing the importance of laughter in our lives and how much it really does keep us resilient and able to take on new challenges."
(Click here for full letter.)
Dr. Mindy Kornhaber, Past Director of Human Resources, Harvard University
“In my 32 years of management, Rob Peck’s remarkable presentation has not been matched for its accuracy, pure enjoyment, and positive impact on my staff. (We’re still doing “fist five’s/thumbs up” a week later!) Rob delivered an amazing, funny, and above all highly motivating session, transferable to any conference or association…”
(Click here for full letter.)
Richard Knoll, President and CEO, TEAM Inc.
(203) 736-5420 Ext. 218, rknoll@teaminc.org
“The beauty of Rob’s work is that it combines high entertainment value and high level content – tickling fancy and intellect simultaneously. At our division retreat he effectively tripled the energy in the room! Using his skillful juggling as a metaphor for keeping life in balance, he captured our imaginations and sent many of us scrambling for scraps of paper to jot down his original, thought-provoking aphorisms and inspirational quotations. If you’re searching for a speaker to enliven your audience and spur them to think creatively, book Rob Peck, and get ready for a fun event that will leave a lasting impression!”
(Click here for full letter.)
Amy Swisher, Director of Community & Public Relations, Bay State Health
413-773-2268, amy.swisher@baystatehealth.org
“Rob Peck’s message is not only on target – it’s a bulls-eye! Formal feedback from the audience had him scoring a 4.5 out of a possible 5.0. I hired Rob to do a very important “intervention” and he delivered big time… with a great blend of serious message and entertaining style that fit perfectly with company values and goals… I found Rob to be a very insightful individual who is quick to recognize the subtleties and nuances associated with his customer’s business. In my many years of experience, his ability to really get his audience thinking puts Rob Peck in a class of his own.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Bob DiGregorio, Director, Americas Software Manufacturing, Hewlett-Packard
978 474-3752, Bob.DiGregorio@hp.com
Today was a real home run! All the feedback was extremely positive... All of us were touched by your stories, and awe- struck by the way the juggling moves and the monologue and the "moral" were so skillfully and inseparably interwoven… It was a pleasure (and fun) working with you. As a meeting planner you made my job easier, and I honestly felt like you were a member of our team…"
(Click here for full letter.)
Valerie Conti, Assistant State Director, MASS SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER
(413) 545-6304, vconti@msbdc.umass.edu
“I am impressed by how much time, research and effort you made to customize your presentation at our annual Employee Recognition Dinner... Every comment made a connection as you understood the challenges we are facing and were able to make us laugh despite the stress that many of us experience on a daily basis…The messages of hope, intertwined with the creativity of your juggling, will stay in our memories for a long time to come.”
(Click here for full letter.)
John G. O’Brien, Past President and CEO,
UMass Memorial Health Care
“Seeing is believing! “KEEPING ALL THE BALLS IN THE AIR” was a refreshing way to lighten up our conference while at the same time delivering profound messages. Attendees gave you rave reviews… You have a wonderful way of entertaining, motivating and inspiring your audience… On a personal note, it was also a pleasure and fun to work with you in the planning process.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Karen Cronenberger, Conference Planner, Employers Association of the North East
(877) 662-6444, kcronenberger@EANE.org
Rob Peck really brought our team together. His uplifting spirit of fun worked wonders for our morale... Rob's got a great knack for tying in the joy of laughter with solid content and immediately applicable skills. The fact that he came in with such a good handle on our needs broke down a lot of barriers right from the start...deepened our ties and gave us a more optimistic view of our future… We recommend Rob Peck's innovative programs to any group large or small, looking for a fun, fresh approach...”
(Click here for full letter.)
Peter Jessup, Founder and President, Integrity Development Co.
413 549-791, peter@integbuild.com
“Uplifting, entertaining and enlightening... The content of his message was spot on. He really did his homework and had a clear understanding of our industry’s pressing issues, and our overall event goals and expectations… Rob’s ability to interweave inspiring true life stories helped me come away from the conference with fresh insights on business issues… and an upbeat way to view problems in a new framework, or as Rob stated, 'Don’t complain, reframe!'”
(Click here for full letter.)
Roddy Diotalevi, Senior Director Sales & Marketing, UIL Holdings
203.499.3632, roddy.diotalevi@uinet.com
“Funny, fast paced, interesting, and most importantly, relevant to the group. Rob’s unique delivery of motivational speaking and amazing juggling got everyone engaged; even those who I thought might not be up for the challenge. He incorporated key phrases that the group immediately identified as part of their company culture and vernacular… I had many people come up and congratulate me on Rob’s great session, telling me they had come away with ideas and concepts that they could put into action back in “the real world.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Colleen Steer, Director, Assurant North American Preneed Sales
817-832-7296 Colleen.Steer@assurant.com
“Great job! Everyone was engaged and really enjoyed the creative ways you customized your remarks… The entertaining way you presented gave you a certain license to bring up issues in an enlightening way that are typically much touchier to address. The content you shared about creative risk taking and the way you compared juggling to the rapid changes we're undergoing with expansion was a good fit for our group and made the visuals extremely timely…. "
(Click here for full letter.)
D. Kevin Jones, President and CEO, MIDFLORIDA Credit Union
863 688-3733
“Rob realigned our life’s priorities like a great massage. His balance of humor and inspiration was also truly actionable. I could not have conceived a more effective way to communicatethe message of balancing all of life’s priorities. I will never forget his visual and mind-engaging performance…. weaving our industry language into motivating and inspiring messages within a display of juggling brilliance.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Rory A. Wolf, VP Business Development, Enercon Industries Corporation
262-250-3163 rwolf@enerconmail.com
"The upbeat way you integrated humorous IFPA anecdotes made your keynote the perfect way to approach the serious topic of change in the workplace... The combination of riveting visuals, pragmatic strategies, and uplifting stories helped attendees both relax and recharge... Your ability to deliver a strong message with fresh content and a ton of energy, really made me look good.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Barbara Perry, Conference Chair, Independent Free Papers of America
413-525-3247 Xt 135, BPerry@ReminderPublications.com
“Your presentation for our International Conference was a huge success. ...combining fascinating juggling with well-timed, topical humor, was right on point for our wide ranging group of managing attorneys from several different countries… Your presentation left many far more willing to think, as you put it, 'outside the briefcase'… just the type of boost we were looking for to catalyze more creative thinking and innovative alternatives..."
(Click here for full letter.)
Christopher T. Roach, Coordinator, Pierce-Atwood Law Firm International Conference
207 791-1373 Croach@pierceatwood.com
"Great kick off for our National Sales Meeting.... Unique, high energy, up beat, and really set the tone for the entire meeting. In addition to being substantive and entertaining, Rob made sure his program was highly tailored to our industry. This made for very engaged listeners, and some very memorable take aways... We have hired several national speakers for our events and Rob’s creative approach ranks as the best“
(Click here for full letter.)
Geff Heidbrink, President, Harbor Optical, Inc.
800 423- 3654, geffh@harboroptical.com
“Our staff clearly just loved your presentation- and our staff are, shall we say “highly selective customers.”…Our C.E.O. was so impressed he said, “This guy‘s insights into Y.O.U., Inc.’s strengths and weaknesses is the most dynamic blend of comedy and content, motivation and uplift, of any outside speaker we’ve ever brought in”...Thank you for being so caring and knowledgeable, and delivering such a timely message in such a truly memorable fashion. You hit it out of the park!”
(Click here for full letter.)
Laura L. Peterson, M.A., SPHR, Director of Human Resources, Y.O.U. Inc.
(508) 849-5600 PetersonL@YOUINC.ORG
“Keeping 800 brick sales people laughing is no easy feat. But when I saw Rob's video, I was convinced he was the person I needed… to keep people in their seat and their eye on the ball…In my 27 years of meeting planning, I have never had a keynote speaker do such careful preparation to understand his audience and truly customize his program. And it paid off with a program that had just the right mix of comedy, content, and true uniqueness... I was frankly amazed at the amount of post presentation "great speaker"...."where'd you find this guy" feedback that all meeting planners love to hear.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Peter Cieslak, Executive Director, Brick Industry Association Southeast Region
“A delight to work with... The way he tailored his performance to include industry specific language, perceptions, common trends and ideas was so good that audience members asked me if he worked in our industry….Clearly his message rung true. Attendees evaluate each speaker and quantify their message, content, and delivery. Rob received a 95% rating…. Mr. Pecks preparation, enthusiasm, and follow-up, have been refreshing. He made me look good!”
(Click here for full letter.)
Douglas Fry, Executive Director, SAPA (Southern Advertisers & Publishers Association)
(931) 490-0400, info@sapatoday.com
"WOW! Rob captivated and exhilarated us with not only his juggling talents, but with his emphasis on work-life balance! His vivacious personality and custom monologue made a long lasting impression. Rob's in-depth preparation for our event, made us feel that we were extra special!"
(Click here for full letter.)
Karin J Whitley, Corporate Training & Development Specialist, Iroquois Pipeline Co.
(203) 925-7203, karin_whitley@iroquois.com
“Fantastic... practical insights and salient advice. By all accounts your unique combination of verbal wit and visual humor was absolutely mesmerizing! Your well tailored anecdotes and timely quotations made your program both enjoyable and highly educational...The fact that you customized it for our healthcare audience made a great impact and showed that you cared about us as a group and as individuals.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Steve Rybka, Vice President of Business Development, UCB, Inc./Corporate Partners Chair, Western Reserve Chapter
(800) 866-622856 serybka@ucbinc.com
“You could hear a pin drop throughout his time on stage, and the individuals in the audience paid attention to every move and word, and yearned for more. It was clear Rob spent a great deal of time in preparing and customizing his presentation to fit our group, and everyone was truly delighted by how relevant his material was. He provided a terrific springboard for us to jump into our own theme for the year ahead, and for our meeting’s agenda. I highly recommend Rob to anyone who wants something unique, but at the same time, wants to make a powerful and relevant statement in a humorous and entertaining setting.”
(Click here for full letter.)
David L. Small, Chief Operating Officer/Treasurer, Nelson & Small Inc.
207 775-5666 Davids@Nelsonsmall.com
“Your creativity, wit, and energy had us all in awe! There can’t be too many men who could turn the challenge of speaking to an entire room full of high-powered women into such a relaxing and delightful experience. … Right from the start your blend of customized comedy, touching true stories, and timely reminders resulted in rapt attention and ready laughter… The fact that you could spend half a day subtly observing a seminar, and less than two hours later creatively incorporate a hilarious recap of the best comic moments, was a wonderful way to relieve stress! By all accounts, KEEPING ALL THE BALLS IN THE AIR was a highly substantive, yet delightfully creative way, of reinforcing our core message.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Iris Marchaj, Director, Smith College Executive Education for Women
(413) 585-2642, Imarchaj@email.smith.edu
“The President of APT stated that you were the best motivational speaker we ever had. The energy that you invested (well in advance) to learn our product and our corporate culture is clearly what sets you apart. It almost felt as if you had been working for the company for years. Your visual demonstrations kept us captivated. Everyone stayed focused because they couldn’t wait to see what you were going to do next! Every employee walked away with some valuable lessons for work and for life… the power of keeping a positive perspective ( "Pits... are also seeds") and how to use humor to hang tough in hard times.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Mike Del Negro, Director of Operations,Applied Proactive Technologies
(800) 278-7661 Mike@AppliedProactive.com
“Members commented you were downright mesmerizing! Many told me that they couldn’t remember a presentation where they laughed and learned so much all at the same time. The way you worked in so much topical humor was very impressive. But your ability to interweave those inside references with juggling to create a whole series of moving images—deftly illustrating all the stresses and challenges our members have to balance—well, that was just plain amazing! (and frankly, a very refreshing change of pace for power point slide presentations) Best of all, your key points left us with a lot of food for thought and gave us a much appreciated uplift to our spirits.”
(Click here for full letter.)
Robert L. DeBiase, National AAHAM Past President
“You kept our employees and Credit Union members in stitches at our Annual Meeting… I found it particularly surprising that with just a short “comedy quiz” you were able to customize a presentation that instantly broke the ice, built rapport, and forged a genuine connection with our audience. From start to finish, you put me at ease with your professionalism, making it easy to stay on task by meeting scheduled appointment times, and taking care of all of the details of stage, microphone, and light settings. Thank you once again for being “the Great Entertainer” helping us have fun, while learning how to cope with constant change, and “Keep All the Balls in the Air!”
(Click here for full letter.)
Martha Richardson, CEO, Franklin First Federal Credit Union
413-774-6700 Mrichardson@franklinfirst.org
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Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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