To read a brief overview of Rob's most requested programs click any of the following titles:
Laugh & Learn And Think Long Term
(Building High Trust High Performance Teams)
Topics: Team-building, Life Balance, Humor in the Workplace
Be My Guest
(Stellar Sales & Customer Service... with Less Stress and More Zest)
Topics: Communication, Sales, Customer Service, Innovation
Juggling For Attention
(How Focused Communication Builds a Culture of Excellence)
Topics: Creativity, Team Building, Stress Management, Life Balance
“In my 32 years of management, Rob Peck’s remarkable presentation has not been matched for its accuracy, pure enjoyment, and positive impact on my staff… His key message about Kind Management had staff enthused and learning for the entire time… He adroitly managed group exercises and even had the CEO and leadership team hamming it up with him for the conclusion.”
—Richard Knoll, President & CEO, TEAM, Inc.
ZESTWORKS unique, upbeat, interactive programs make content come alive by linking lessons with laughter. Participants experience firsthand that when minds are more relaxed, they laugh more readily - AND learn more rapidly.
“Rob combines high entertainment value and high level content – tickling fancy and intellect simultaneously... Using his juggling as a metaphor for keeping life in balance, he effectively tripled the energy in the room.”
—Amy Swisher, Director of Community & Public Relations, Bay State Franklin Medical Center
“The upbeat way you integrated humorous IFPA anecdotes made your session the perfect way to approach the serious topic of change in the workplace. The combination of riveting visuals, pragmatic strategies, and uplifting stories helped attendees relax and recharge.”
—Barbara Perry, Conference Chair, Independent Free Papers of America
“The energy that you invested (well in advance) to learn our product and our corporate culture is clearly what sets you apart... Everyone stayed focused because they couldn’t wait to see what you were going to do next! Every employee walked away with some valuable lessons for work and for life… on the power of keeping a positive perspective ("Pits... are also seeds")...” —Mike Del Negro, Director of Operations, Applied Proactive Technologies
“...Juggling got everyone engaged; even those who I thought might not be up for the challenge… I had many people come up and congratulate me on Rob’s great session, telling me they had come away with ideas and concepts that they could put into action back in 'the real world’…” —Colleen Steer, Director, Assurant, North American Preneed Sales
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A free, fun, fast read to brighten your day.
Call or email today to discuss how Rob can create a customized program for your upcoming event
Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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Coding by Richard Creque.