“It's A Juggle Out There”

(3 min spoof of daily juggling acts) 

Fun, 3 minute excerpt from Motivational Speaker Showcase. Professional four camera shoot, filmed by Video My Story productions recorded live in Minneapolis, Mn. 2015

“How to Shift from Complaining to Reframing”

 (excerpt from Speaker Showcase)

Short true story blending content and comedy about shifting viewpoints and positive outcomes. (Professional four camera shoot, filmed by Video My Story productions recorded live in Minneapolis, Mn. 2015) (excerpt from Speaker Showcase)

“Speaker Showcase Video”

(Full 10 minutes Video)

Fun, fast paced overview of the core components in Rob Peck's keynote speech: IT'S A JUGGLE OUT THERE (Tips to Get a Grip on Overload & Overwhelm) Professional four camera shoot, filmed by Video My Story productions recorded live in Minneapolis, Mn. 2015

“From IQ to We-Q”

(Maximize Teamwork by Pooling Resources & Playing to People’s Strengths)

Topics: Teambuilding, Leadership, & Emotional Intelligence

Inspiring illustrations of how EQ (Emotional Intelligence) fosters the “people smart” communication that helps leaders and teams reach higher levels of productivity. Rob’s wit and wisdom energizes group imagination and fuels a spirit of collaboration.

“Keeping All The Balls In The Air!”

(How to Get a Grip on Overload & Overwhelm)

Topics: Stress Management, Life Balance & Humor in the Workplace)

Using juggling as a metaphor for having to balance multiple responsibilities, Rob reveals 3 Relax & Recharge techniques that decrease burnout and increase resiliency. 

“Pits are also Seeds” 

(Highlights: non-juggling segments)

Excerpts of Rob's many non juggling segments in which he uses motivational stories and inspirational quotes to anchor key points. 'Pits Are Also Seeds' exemplifies how difficulties can either obstruct or instruct, and how much more resourceful we are when we shift from complaining to reframing more positively.


“Nevermind My To-Do List, You Should See My Didn’t Do List”

(How Humor Helps Us Cope with Constant Change)

Topics: Workplace Morale & Change Management 

With a light touch and a lot of topical humor, Rob shows how shared laughter helps us keep problems in perspective and build a positive workplace culture. Fun audience participation reinforces how humor sparks more flexible thinking and innovative problem solving.

“Be My Guest”

(Stellar Sales & Customer Service... with Less Stress and More Zest)

Topics: Sales & Customer Service

 An outside the briefcase approach to creating customer-centric benefits that build a deep well of good will, resulting in repeat business and referrals. 
 Fun, fast paced, ImprovTheatre games actively reinforce how objections are a prime opportunity to win trust, and why paying close attention pays the ultimate compliment to our customers.  

“Make Mine Motown”

(Thinking Outside The Briefcase!)

Topics: Teamwork, Trust Building & Creative Collaboration

Audience involvement plays a key role in all of Rob’s programs. Here’s a fast example of a fun team-building skit (choreographed to the Motown classic "My Girl") that integrates the three T’s of strong teamwork: Tolerance, Tenacity, & Trust. 

Click to receive Rob’s midweek uplift:

Wednesday Wit ‘n Wisdom

A free, fun, fast read to brighten your day.

Call or email today to discuss how Rob can create a customized program for your upcoming event

LinkedIn YouTube

Zestworks: one of a kind Keynotes.

Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association

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Coding by Richard Creque.